


阿尔兹海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是最常见的神经退行性疾病,是全球最具挑战的攻坚课题之一。AD根据临床表现可以分为临床前期和症状期。淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)沉积出现在临床前病理期,比症状期早15-20年。对比之下,神经原纤维缠结(Tau tangle)起始于症状期,并与神经元死亡和脑萎缩发生的时间高度重合。

实验室负责人陈晓颖博士通过系统分析Aβ和Tau两种AD模型,结合病人脑组织样本,首次发现在AD的发生发展中,大脑存在固有免疫和获得性免疫相互促进的异常免疫应答,打破这一异常免疫应答中的任何一个环节将有望能延缓或逆转AD晚期病理改变。相关工作以长文形式发表于Nature,并同期被Nature 和 Nature aging高亮点评。这一研究揭示了神经免疫微环境的组成特点及其在疾病中的动态演变,为理解神经退行性疾病的发病机制提供了新的理论基础,对神经退行性病变的干预提供了全新的视角和手段。


Dr. Chen is a Principal Investigator and an associate professor of Institute for Immunology at Tsinghua University School of Medicine, M


Govern Institute as well as Tsinghua-Peking Center for Life Science. Chen lab focuses on understanding the brain-immune interactions in health and disease. The major research directions in her lab are 1) decoding the immune responses in Alzheimer’s disease and therapeutics development, 2) deciphering brain-immune interface and brain-body interaction, and 3) understanding neuronal plasticity throughout AD progression.



陈晓颖博士先后在加州大学洛杉矶分校和华盛顿大学医学院从事科学研究工作,师从华盛顿大学医学院前神经科学系主任Azad Bonni教授(美国医学院士, 现任瑞典罗氏总部副总裁)和神经病学系主任David Holtzman 教授(美国医学院士,前美国神经协会主席),并和免疫系Marco Colonna 教授(美国科学院院士),Ken Murphy教授(免疫学教科书作者),Jonny Kipnis教授(脑膜免疫的开创者)和哈佛医学院再生医学系Rudy Tanzi教授(衰老中心主任), Jorfi, Mehdi教授等有深入的国际合作。

陈晓颖博士是阿尔兹海默病(AD)研究领域的杰出青年科学家之一,其研究成果促使领域内重新认识了外周适应性免疫在重构疾病相关中枢炎症以及疾病发生发展中的核心作用,并据此提出干预AD新的治疗方向。陈晓颖博士创新性科研成果发表于Nature (2022年,2023年)等顶级期刊,受到广泛关注。鉴于其学术贡献,陈晓颖博士近几年来被授予了AD研究的诸多国际大奖, 获Cure Alz foundation 的Jeffrey L. Morby 奖(年度最影响力研究), 获国际阿尔兹海默病协会(Alzheimer Association)早期职业成就奖(封面), 受邀在阿尔兹海默病大会做报告,代表女性科学家发言; 获华盛顿大学年度神经科学最佳研究奖;神经科学年会(Sfn)职业发展奖;受Immunity 邀请针对神经免疫领域进行综述和展望。因后续影响力,相关研究还被邀请在Keystone, AAI, Cell, NIH 50-year Grant Proposal Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Meeting 等国际大会, 在UCSF, Cornell, WashU, NIH等大学和研究机构,在JBP Foundation, Alzheimer's Association Foundation, Alzheimer’s Research Trust Foundation等基金会作口头报告。

Dr. Chen was a faculty member in the Department of Neurology, Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Washington University School of Medicine. She has contributed significant insights into understanding neuronal plasticity during development (Chen., et al., 2017, Journal of Neuroscience; Chen., et al., 2016, 2020, Protein & Cell), learning activities (Chen., et al., 2022, Nature), and neuron-immune interactions in neurodegenerative disease (Chen., et al., 2022, Immunity; Chen., et al., 2023, Nature). She has received a number of honors and awards, including the O’Leary Prize for Best Neuroscience Research at Washington University, the Poletsky Award for Alzheimer’s Disease Research from Washington University, the Tau Consortium Fellowship from Rainwater Charitable Foundation, the Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust from Rotary Foundation, the Career Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience, the Early Career Achievement Award from Alzheimer’s Association, and the Jeffrey L. Morby Prize for Best Research in Alzheimer’s Disease from Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. She is a member of Society for Neuroscience, Alzheimer’s Association, American Society for Neurochemistry, American Neurological Association and International Society for Molecular Neurodegeneration. Dr. Chen has reviewed papers for journals, including Immunity, Nature Neuroscience, Alzheimer's & Dementia, Science Advances, Cell Reports, Molecular Neurodegeneration, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Neuroimmunology (Editorial board member), and Translational Neurodegeneration.








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Nature | 陈晓颖等揭示固有免疫和获得性免疫在阿尔兹海默病中的关键致病机理

Nature | 建立神经元功能多样性解析方法并揭示可塑性浦肯野神经元及其学习记忆机理


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